Technical tips collected over several decades in IT

So many Email Scams

The internet is a waterhole and we are digital gazellesJames McDonald 2024 Look at the text below of 2 emails I received sent to two of my email aliases from two different From addresses I presume it just requires you to reply to the query and then they send some...

Meraki Open Source Licenses

Until today I assumed that Meraki was built in-house with only closed source software. But having a look at the Meraki-Firmware-Licenses bundle it is clear that like Unifi Cisco is using many Open Source packages to bring together it's offering: Having only just...


If you have Veeam backup failing with the Updating BCD failed with Cannot update SafeBoot flag and SentinelOne is installed. Try the following from a veeam forum post 29/11/2023 2:35:29 PM :: Processing TGN-HO-DC02 Error: VSSControl: -2147467259 Backup job failed....

Certbot Reload Nginx on cert renewal Recently I created a Cert Expiry Checker so I can be notified when my and my clients SSL certs are 27 days from expiry. What is strange is I got notified that a client on Squarespace has an SSL cert within 27 days of expiry...

LastLogon using PowerShell

Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $true} -Properties Name,Manager,LastLogon,DistinguishedName | Select-Object Name,samAccountName,DistinguishedName,@{n='LastLogon';e={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon).ToString('g')}} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path...


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