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Mostly IT related tech tips since 2006

Toggle IPv6 on and off with powershell

This script elevates to Administrator if needed and then toggles IPv6 support on the adaptor specified depending on what it currently is # Self-elevate the script if required if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]...

FOP-2.9 and BARCODE4J 2.2.4

3 years ago I got Apache FOP working with the Sourceforge version of Barcode4J: https://toggen.com.au/it-tips/implement-sscc-label-printing-using-apache-fop-and-xml/ The source forge version of Barcode4J dates from 2015 it has been forked, is now hosted on Github and...

Stop RDP from prompting for a Windows Hello PIN

Problem: User complains they are prompted for their Local Windows Hello PIN and then entering that the RDP connection fails to authenticate Work-a-round (too many clicks): At the prompot for a PIN choose More Choices => Use a different account and re-enter your remote...

ICMPv6 Ping to Azure OpnsSense

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/ip-services/ipv6-overview The IPv6 overview says as at Sept 2024 ICMPv6 isn't currently supported in Network Security Groups. Not sure this is the right way to do this. But getting an ICMPv6 ping reply from a...

Getting the Azure Agent Running in OpnSense

This is how to install the Azure Agent on OpnSense. https://github.com/Azure/WALinuxAgent/?tab=readme-ov-file#installation Login via SSH or use the Serial console in the Azure Portal. Login as root and get a shell root@OPNsense:~ # freebsd-version 14.1-RELEASE-p3 You...

Re-sign rdweb rdp File

I want to tweak and then re-sign the RDP file downloaded from https://rds.example.com/rdweb the RD Gateway RD Web server to stop it being tampered with Steps With a browser on you local computer (I'm using Windows 11) connect to https://rds.example.com/rdweb...

Cannot Connect to Dell Management Using Firefox

12 year old Dell Server running Windows 2008R2. Wanted to check the HDD and other details. https://ipofserver:1311 Error message: Error code: SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION Firefox error minimum supported TLS version is 1.2 Enter into the firefox location bar...

Migrate Windows 2003 Server VMWare Guest to Proxmox

I am trying to migrate two remaing Windows 2003 Server VM's off a VMWare VSphere 5.5 environment. Disclaimer: Yes I am aware W2K3 is _many_ years past it's support date but not every company keeps up-to-date with fully patched and supported software and I can't magick...

DMARC Reports Viewer

If you have enabled DMARC, DKIM & SPF and are getting DMARC Aggregate Report emails sent to yourself which contain the gzipped XML attachments. You can view them in a nicely formatted GUI by uploading them to Dmarcian https://dmarcian.com/xml-to-human-converter/...

Disk Export from Azure to Hyper-V boot failure

TLDR; Convert the VHD (GPT disk) into a VHDX and it will work The journey: Just did a disk export of a Azure VM generation V2 disk. The VHD format of the exported disk won't boot in Hyper-V. The Azure portal says it's a V2 VM (This was lifted and shifted from a...