Adding RSS Feeds to Firefox - Example

Sydney Morning Herald provides it's headlines via a list of RSS channels located here

To add them to firefox you need to create a "Live Bookmark"

Go to this page and right click on which ever news feed you want to add and then from the context menu  that appears click "Copy Link Location" to save the link to your clipboard.

From the Firefox main window open the Bookmark Manager by clicking "Bookmarks" and then "Manage Bookmarks..." from the menu.

A bookmark manager window will open

Select the folder you want to add the bookmark to from the folder tree in the left hand pane. For example, if you want to add it to your "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder", select it.

Click "File" ==> "New Live Bookmark" and add which ever feed link you want i.e put "SMH - Top Stories" as the Name and as the Feed Location

Note: You need to be a registered SMH user to connect to the links provided by RSS

James McDonald