Compiling Madman on Redhat Fedora Core 3

Sun Jun 26 18:15:29 2005 | James McDonald

Installing the Necessary Software to Compile Madman

You need to install:

Installing Arch / tla

I installed tla by downloading it, and doing the ./configure make, make install thing

Installing Scons

I installed scons using apt4rpm by typing

apt-get install scons

Note: For the above command to work you will need apt4rpm installed and listed in your /etc/apt/sources.list file

apt isn't standard under RHFC3 but you might try

yum install scons

perhaps that may work aswell

Getting the Dev Madman Source Code

To get the current madman source follow the instructions under the "Building from Source" heading under the download link on the madman website

Compiling madman

To compile madman I used the following command line

scons mp4ff_include=/usr/include

You can change options without putting them on the command line by editing the SConstruct file that is in the top $madman_src_root directory
