How to connect to your Linux box while stuck behind an ISA Proxy


At work:

Configuring Putty

Install putty on your windows box at work

Configure Putty with a connection pointing to your home computers IP or DNS address (

Configure it to use a http proxy and supply the details of your corporate proxy as listed in your internet settings in Internet Explorer.


proxy = myproxyname
port = 8080
username = mywindows_username
password = mywindows_password

At home:

apache config

If you have apache running move the https port to another place by editing /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or if it's apache2 /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and change the SSL configuration.


Listen 8000 # or any port that takes your fancy

sshd config

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the `Port' option from 22 to 443

Once you have finished changing httpd and sshd restart both services.

Conceptual Diagram of what it looks like