How to set up Mozilla

Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Real Player
Shockwave Flash
Quicktime for Windows
Crossover Plugin
Script to do the linking


Before you start

Download the latest versions of the above software... when downloading xanim make sure you get all the added dlls etc

Mozilla Install

To save continual shifts in the directory you execute mozilla from I name the install directory /usr/local/mozillaX where x is a number that increments each time I upgrade to the latest mozilla version and then I sym-link back to it.

Firstly decide where you are going to put mozilla

    RedHat installs it in /usr/lib/mozilla
    But you can put it anywhere for the purposes of this example I will use /usr/local/mozillaX

Run the follwing on your mozilla archive or the installer as I have used here

    tar zxvf mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.0rc1-installer.tar.gz
    cd mozilla-installer/


When installing mozilla the only stuff you need is the navigator and the psm (personal security manager) you can drop all the other stuff if you don't use it. You may want mail though

Then symlink your install dir to /usr/local/mozilla using the following command
    ln -sf /usr/local/mozillaX /usr/local/mozilla

This is so you can download a new version every week and then just re symlink to /usr/local/mozilla and you don't have to do any hacking of the /usr/bin/mozilla file once you have adjusted it (see next step) to point to your /usr/local/mozilla dir

Open your /usr/bin/mozilla script file that should have come with the original Linux install and change any mentions of the original mozilla install location to the new sym-link /usr/local/mozilla/. I used gedit to do a find and replace as there are a lot of references to replace.

This takes care of your basic mozilla install now all the plugins and new functionality needs to be added

Support Applications and Plugins Install

Install flash player    

    tar zxvf flash_linux.tar.gz
    cd flash_linux
    cp ShockwaveFlash.class /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/

Install Xanim

    tar -zxvf xanim2801.tar.gz
    cd xanim2801
    make install
    cp xanim /usr/local/bin

    There are a heap of modules that go with xanim download them, untar them and run
    mkdir -p /usr/local/xanim/mods ( -p nifty option for mkdir says make parent dirs as needed. The things you learn)
    cp vid*.xa /usr/local/xanim/mods
    xanim looks for the modules in the above dir save hassles and put them there
    xanim is used by plugger for many of it's video and picture formats
    xanim itself depends on other applications to provide it's video rendering
    To find out what other apps need to be installed look at the xanim website. There are notes on what applications are needed by xanim in order to function and links to most of them
    A lot of the applications needed by xanim are already installed and if you don't need to view some types of images/sounds you may not have to install any extra apps

Install Acrobat, JRE or JDK

Install RealPlayer

    I think in RedHat this is already installed
    Do a locate realplay to check
    Download the files from the above link two choices are rpm and tar.gz choose whatever tickles your huckle berries...  
    Then run the following commands.
    ln -sf /usr/local/Acrobat4/Browsers/intellinux/ /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/
    ln -sf /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/ \

    ln -sf /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/ /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/

Install Wine, the Codeweavers crossover plugin and Quicktime.

The older quicktime movies are handled by plugger and xanim.

In order to view newer quicktime movies successfully you need to install the windows quicktime player... Linux qt players don't support the latest and proprietary compression algorithms. You won't get an error message either plugger will just show running helper in the status bar and you will get a white screen where the movie should be.

You need wine installed and then you also need the crossover plugin to get quicktime to work with mozilla. You have to pay for the crossover plugin from codeweavers.
The demo version is total nagware so I would only bother with it if I was going to test it for buying. If you want to check it out  I have a SxS for this process also click here
You could also install the latest quicktime player in wine and just enter the url you transfer from mozilla if you don't wish to purchase crossover.

Install Plugger

tar zxvf plugger-4.0-linux-x86-glibc.tar.gz
cd plugger-4.0
cp /usr/local/mozilla/plugins
cp pluggerrc /etc/pluggerrc
cp plugger-4.0 /usr/bin

To find out which apps are needed by Plugger look in /etc/pluggerrc and if you find it is jibberish run man plugger and it will help you decipher it.

Edit /etc/pluggerrc to remove mimetypes associated with other plugins

If you install a plugin such as Acrobat Reader (, RealPlayer ( that also has it's mime-type listed in /etc/pluggerrc there is a chance that mozilla will launch that mime-type using instead of the correct native plugin.

To check if plugger is running when it shouldn't look at the status bar at the bottom left of the mozilla screen it will say "running helper..." if plugger is trying to launch an app.

To fix this comment out the lines relating to these mime-types in /etc/pluggerrc as noted in the following fragment. You must do this before you launch mozilla for the first time and it registers all the plugins.

# audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin:rpm:Realaudio-plugin resource locator
#        exits nokill: realplay "$file"

# application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
# application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
# text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
# text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
#       repeat swallow(documentShell) fill: acroread -geometry +9000+9000 -xrm '*userFrontEndProgram: FALSE' "$file"
#       repeat swallow(gv) fill: gv -safer -quiet -antialias -geometry +9000+9000 "$file" 2>/dev/null
#       repeat swallow(xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 -err "$file"

If you have already launched mozilla and you want to change the mimetype registrations do the following

mv /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/ /somewhere/not/in/the/plugin/search/path
launch mozilla (it will rescan the plugins dir, note the absence of and update its  plugins list)
edit /etc/pluggerrc to remove the offending mime-types and then save it
launch mozilla again and note that the mime-type is no longer handled by plugger.
If anyone knows the file that mozilla stores it's plugin registrations in drop me an email at the address below.

To check your mime-type to plugin registrations choose the Help --> About Plugins menu item.

Plugger has a cool command called swallow which means it launches the application that is called i.e. swallow(wine) and shoves it in the browser window. I found it will launch and swallow wine. I got it to launch wordview.exe inside wine but had difficulty passing a windows style file name to wordview. Again if anyone knows how to pass a URL to wordview via plugger and wine drop me a mail.

Upgrading Mozilla to Latest version

Just repeat the steps in blue
This will install the latest player and relink all your plugins to the latest version


This SxS was done on RedHat 7.2 paths and installation locations may be different on other distributions

James McDonald

Updated: Sat Apr 27 21:29:16 EST 2002