Installing Wine and the CrossOver Plugin for Mozilla

File Location
crossover plugin

Installing wine from source

I used cvs to get the latest wine source from the wine site by running the following script. This was before I realised that you could download the source tree then do an update instead. I would recommend the latter it will be quicker.

# (place this in the directory above where you want to download wine to...)
# To login to the CVS tree, do
export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/home/wine
echo Use "cvs" without quotes as the password and press enter
cvs login

# if you have already checked out / downloaded the cvs tree already comment the following line
cvs -z 3 checkout wine
# and just do an update by uncommenting the next two lines
# cd wine
# cvs update -PAd

Note: I use the latest cvs source because generally you get the latest features / bug-fixes BUT you run the risk of getting undiscovered bugs or it not compiling at all... If you are trying this for a production environment it might be advisable to go back to the last stable release... Or try both and go for the better of the two.

OK Here is what I did to get wine installed.

# go to the source directory
cd wine
# get root access
# have a quick look at any options you may want to use....
./configure --help
# decide I want wine installed in /usr/local/wine also slap manuals somewhere man (The Linux user manual system) can find them with out playing with /etc/man.conf
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/wine \
--mandir=/usr/share/man \

# run make
make depend && make
make install

Wine icons:

From the wine source directory do the following
cd include/bitmaps
cp *.xpm $KDEDIR/share/icons
(do an echo $KDEDIR to get the KDEDIR)

These are needed so you set up wine on the kde menu and associate it with .exes... and make it look nice.

Associate wine with .exe's

This is so you can right click and choose to open an *.exe with wine.

KDE MENU --> Preferences --> File Browsing --> File Associations

And associate application/x-executable with wine

As far as the tab embedding goes...  just choose "Use settings from application group"

Installing CrossOver Plugin

You don't install Quicktime next because the plugin has a nice setup wizard that runs and allows you to associate each plugin with Netscape, konqueror or mozilla.

Just do the following

sh ./
for the location...

It's all pretty much point and click.
Once the CrossOver plugin is installed it can be reached from the KDE Menu --> Crossover --> Plugin Setup which launches a wizard

Installing Windows Applications

Simply open the K Menu --> Crossover --> PluginSetup wizard,
Select the Add/Remove tab.
The crossover plugin has a list of applications and fonts that it can install.
Select the application to install. I only added Quicktime because most of the other apps are available semi-natively in Linux.
If you wish to get crossover to handle the download just click Add or click the Advanced button if you want to browse to the previously downloaded installation file.
Everytime you install a new windows and crossover places a plugin in your browser you will have to  edit the pluggerrc file to remove that mime-type from pluggers list or it will try and handle it instead of the windows app you install


I haven't installed the non-demo version of the codeweavers plugin yet I presume it's the same sans the "buy me" screens that appear in front of it all the time

Crossover handles all the conversion from /unix/style/paths to C:\windows\style\paths via Perl when you are browsing and launch a windows app via Crossover.

You will notice a heap of new plugin files in $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins that crossover installs.

This was all done on a RedHat 7.2 box

James McDonald
Mon Apr 29 05:44:37 EST 2002