I've just virtualized a windows XP workstation using VMWare Convertor and thought as a final pre wipe and rebuild excercise I would take a Ghost Image of the physical workstation.
I have a Ghost.iso file with Windows PE and Ghost on it and I was trying to transfer it across to a 8GB USB Drive using UNetBootin and this failed to transfer the ISO across.
But I discovered YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer): http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ worked very well and the really cool thing is you can load multiple ISO's onto your USB Drive and then boot which ever you want.
I'm thinking that combining a Windows PE + GHOST Utilities Image along with a Ubuntu or Knoppix LIVE CD will give me all the tools I need to image and then wipe the harddrives of old pc's.
So a vote for YUMI a really, really handy transfer bootable ISO image to USB utility!