Technical tips collected over several decades in IT

Generate custom fixture names in Cakephp 5

bin/cake bake fixture --conditions "id IN (10,81)" -r -n 10000 --table trading_partners CustomTradingPartners Use the above to export selected records to a fixture Important: The fixture name (The CustomTradingPartners parameter in the above example) is limited to 28...

CakePHP 5 persoderlind.vscode-phpcbf

Still haven't gotten this working well... sigh. The persoderlind.vscode-phpcbf extension didn't work for me when running my PHP devel container (php:8.2-fpm) on Windows 11 in Docker Desktop using the WSL2 Engine until I let it know about the CakePHP coding standard #...

Network speed test host to host

On Ubuntu / Debian apt-get install iperf3 On Windows download it from Make sure you create firewall rules to allow them to talk to each other e.g. allow inbound 5201 for the server I'm paranoid so I go to and...

Clear HSTS Settings in CHrome

Open chrome://net-internals/#hsts enter the domain in the query field and click Query to confirm it has HSTS settings enter the domain ini the delete field and click Delete


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