
Intelephense squiggly line under function

Adding a missing function definition Using the VS Code Intelephense Extension. You get a squiggly line under a function you know exists. When you hover over it the popup says "Undefined function ... " Go to Preferences and Settings [ Ctrl + , ], search for stubs and...

Remove Sensitive Data from Git Hub

If you follow the faqs on github it will say you can use bfg to remove sensitive data Here are my learnings bfg has to be run from the root of the git repository i.e....

Embed Create React App SPA into CakePHP 3.8.x view

Some small changes from the old CRA version 2.x the asset-manifest.json now has an entrypoints key // view code src/Template/Assigned/schedule_edit.ctp <?php foreach ($css as $style) : ?> <?= $this->Html->css('/react' . $style, [ 'block' => true ]); ?> <?php...

Date to Ordinal Days

I recently had to create a reasonably meaningful batch number for some GS1 compliant SSCC labels. I have an Internet Explorer Interface that submits the request to our ERP system. Due to legacy issues the batch number was restricted to 6 numeric digits. Some...