
Adding BCC to Divi Contact Form

The Divi contact form allows you to send to multiple email addresses by opening the properties of the form and entering multiple comma separated email addresses but they end up all in the To: field Adding BCC to Emails using a functions.php Snippet You need to edit...

Toggen deploys a new website

So I have built and hosted a new website for Roger Clark Pest Management they are a family owned and operated Pest Control and Management business in Maitland NSW Australia It uses Wordpress and the Divi theme with one of the many layouts that are provided by the...

E-Commerce Learnings

I have a client who had two Wordpress Woocommerce Stores hosted for $20 each a month on cPanel Servers On inspecting the sites I found Each had between a dozen and two dozen out of date plugins (some had been removed from the Wordpress Plugins Directory because of...

Intelephense squiggly line under function

Adding a missing function definition Using the VS Code Intelephense Extension. You get a squiggly line under a function you know exists. When you hover over it the popup says "Undefined function ... " Go to Preferences and Settings [ Ctrl + , ], search for stubs and...

Reverse Proxy Cups in Nginx

The process is similar to my previous post on proxying a sub directory back to the root. For example https://example.com/test => proxies back to / in the docker container upstream cups-endpoint { # in my case I'm using cups inside # a docker container and exposing #...

Adding custom values to Contact Form 7

https://www.wpguru.com.au/generate-dynamic-tag-contact-form-7/ From the above URL is this code. Just putting it here so I can find it again <?php add_action('wpcf7_init', 'custom_code_generator'); function custom_code_generator(){ wpcf7_add_form_tag('coupon_code',...

The REST API encountered an error

The REST API is one way WordPress, and other applications, communicate with the server. One example is the block editor screen, which relies on this to display, and save, your posts and pages. The REST API request failed due to an error.Error: cURL error 28: Operation...

Format validationsErrors

A recursive function that takes a validation error array and return a string with all the different errors concatenated into a formatted string Further to my previous posting https://toggen.com.au/it-tips/cakephp-2-displaying-validation-errors This function will walk...

OPTIONS pre-flight Check CakePHP 2

Before fetch sends a POST request to another domain it will do a CORS pre-flight check. The following website has the HTTP OPTIONS middleware code you can use for CakePHP 3. It mentions for a CakePHP 2 version you need to go to another website which is unavailable now...

Call to undefined function opcache_reset()

Got this error message 2018/03/13 22:12:41 [error] 17149#0: *7057 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function opcache_reset() in /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/opcache/opcache.php:72 And then created a file...