Half Manual Automated WordPress Site Upgrade Script

This script finds all your…


Blog History

This script finds all your wordpress sites under a specific parent directory and then loops through them and prompts you to accept or reject an upgrade for plugins, themes and wordpress core.

# find all WordPress installs
WP_SITES=`find /path/to/your/sites/root -regex '.*web/wp-config\.php'`

# path to wp-cli

for i in $WP_SITES
        # get the full path to the wp install
        WP_DIR=$(dirname $i)

        # get the owner so we run the upgrade as the correct user
        OWNER=`stat -c %U $WP_DIR`

        echo "Owner $OWNER"

        # so we can echo the installation we are upgrading
        SITE_URL=`$WP --path=$WP_DIR option get siteurl`

        # list the plugins and available upgrades
        $WP --path=$WP_DIR plugin list
        echo -n "Do you want to update all plugins for $SITE_URL: [N/y] "
        read R
        case $R in
                        echo "Running update all plugins for $SITE_URL"
                        sudo -u $OWNER $WP --path=$WP_DIR plugin update --all
                echo "Skipping update all for $SITE_URL"
       # next do themes
        $WP --path=$WP_DIR theme list
        echo -n "Do you want to update all themes for $SITE_URL: [N/y] "
        read R
        case $R in
                        echo "Running update of all themes for $SITE_URL"
                        sudo -u $OWNER $WP --path=$WP_DIR theme update --all
                        echo "Skipping update of all themes for $SITE_URL"

        # finally wordpress core update
        $WP --path=$WP_DIR core check-update
        echo -n "Do you want to update wp core for $SITE_URL: [N/y] "
        read R
        case $R in
                        echo "Running wp core update for $SITE_URL"
                        sudo -u $OWNER $WP --path=$WP_DIR core update
                        echo "Skipping update of core for $SITE_URL"



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