Technical tips collected over several decades in IT

Stop New Kernels Becoming the Default – Fedora 32

I have 2 things that require I stay on the current version of my Fedora 32 kernel NVidia proprietary driver that doesn't seem to auto install despite being dkms enabledVMware® Workstation 15 Pro version 15.5.6 build-16341506 which won't run on kernels later than...

Docker on Fedora 32

Docker on Fedora 32

Commands to run to get moby-engine running on Fedora 32 # as root or sudo'd dnf install grubby grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierachy=0" # check the output of the above grubby --info=ALL sudo mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd sudo mount -t...

Wine System Tray on Gnome Shell Fedora 32

I love gnome-shell I love the simplicity, the integration of the all the system settings in one place and the ability to extend it with extensions But it looks like in their quest to align with the Fisher-Price Desktop Standard they have trimmed some functionality...

Circular Reboot due to Harddisk Removal

Until yesterday I had two hard drives in my Fedora 13 box. Hard disk 1 - /dev/sda was a 200GB Western Digital and hard disk 2 - /dev/sdb is a 500GB Samsung containing my Fedora 13 installation. The Western Digital, after many years of faithful service has died, and so...

Wine Fonts are all Squares in Fedora 12

I recently installed my first Wine application in Fedora 12. This was the result: The fix: Download spec file from (don't use the default corefonts spec file. This spec file has been modded to...


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