Technical tips collected over several decades in IT

Using Curl & Powershell to POST Form Data to CakePHP

CakePHP 2 Form and trying to POST to it using curl This is what I am trying to duplicate with curl -----------------------------1993502965129257581246610166 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_method" POST -----------------------------1993502965129257581246610166...

CakePHP/Queue WorkerListener Example Class

This is an example of implementing a WorkerListener class for the new CakePHP/Queue plugin as mentioned here => Config array // ... 'Queue' => [ 'default' => [ // A DSN for your configured backend. default:...

Encrypt / Decrypt the columns of your CakePHP 4 DB The above is a good solution, but it needed updating to work with CakePHP 4 I have updated the above as below to encrypt a database field with a base64 encoded encrypted string The base64 encoding is so it can save in a...

CakePHP 4 has Deprecated File & Folder

So recently my code editor has been putting a line through File because it is going to removed in CakePHP 5 So here is an example of code that uses the deprecated methods and the suggested SplFileObject Using File public function createTempFile($print_content,...

Format validationsErrors

A recursive function that takes a validation error array and return a string with all the different errors concatenated into a formatted string Further to my previous posting This function will walk...


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