Technical tips collected over several decades in IT


A blog post from the Android Phone. We are nearing completion. Just have to install Stainless Steel Wire Balustrading from All Things Stainless (incidentally they use Joomla and VirtueMart so nice to see a bit of open source being used in a nuts and bolts style of...

New Guttering Installed

After 3 days of struggling with scaffold my Wife and I have finished the guttering. We sourced the Guttering from a sheetmetal product company in Newcastle Hancock Speedway When ordering the guttering I used my trusty QCAD, an Opensource 2D CAD Program to provide a...

Sweet Home 3D

Check out the 3D drawing I did from a cool Java application Sweet Home 3D This is approximately an hours work after following the tutorial and using an imported 2D floorplan. This isn't using the best quality rendering setting and I found my old P4 was struggling a...

The Rear Deck Renovation – We have a plan

When you start to think of what you want for a certain portion of the house. There is a period of time where ideas surface and command attention for while but ultimately don't reach the final design. I suppose planning is important so you don't just go for the first...

House – Todo List

Fix rusted Gutters Install a large Rainwater Tank Install large downpipes and pipe them to the Tank Provide better subsoil drainage around house Remove the Outhouse Plant a Vegetable Garden Install a Car Port & Replace Shed with new one Cement Bag the Peers Renovate...


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