Technical tips collected over several decades in IT

VMWare Workstation Pro on Secure Boot Ubuntu

I enabled secure boot on my Ubuntu 20.04 workstation running VMWare Workstation Pro. Problem: Every time the kernel is upgraded VMWare cannot load its unsigned kernel modules Cause: Secure boot means that all kernel modules have to be marked as trusted by the secure...


Question: What is the Hyper-V equivalent of VMWare Tools? Answer: Hyper-V Integration Services If you are running Hyper-V on Windows 10 and need the vmguest.iso to get Video and Mouse working on older Windows versions Further to this...

Going Virtual with VMWare and Dell – Part 1

In the Beginning I have been employed in my current role since 2004. When I started, there was a generic PC running Netware 3.11 Server the files on which were soon transfered over to SBS2003 running on a noname server with IDE disks. Within a year I had imaged and...

Cannot get VMWare Remote Console on Ubuntu 9.10

Problems: Logging into VMWare Server 2.0.2 using https fails. Trying to create a VM fails several times. Trying to run VMWare Remote Console fails complaining about timing out because it can't get a session ticket. (sadly I didn't get the exact text of the error)...

VMWare Remote Commands

When you want to run a VMWare Server 2.0 Virtual Machine hosted on a remote Linux box these commands might come in handy. # list your currently running VM's vmrun -h http://localhost:8222/sdk -P 902 -T server -u yourvmadminuser -p 'yourvmadminpassword' list Total...

Fedora 10 – VMWare

Just attempted to install Fedora 10 under VMWare Server 1.0.4 on Windows. I chose the default "Other Linux 2.6.x" VM option, leaving the defaults except for configuring the VM's CD to be an iso image of the Fedora Live CD. Man was it slow... I traced the problem to...

VMWare ESXi is now Free. But can you use it?

I recently attended a Newcastle Infrastructure Users Group meeting, which is hosted by Forsythes IT. The topic for the evening was VMWare and they had a Senior Pre-Sales Engineer from VMWare going through some of the amazing technology, for example. VMotion: The...


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