Written by James McDonald

December 14, 2009

When you want to run a VMWare Server 2.0 Virtual Machine hosted on a remote Linux box these commands might come in handy.

# list your currently running VM's
vmrun  -h http://localhost:8222/sdk -P 902 -T server -u yourvmadminuser -p 'yourvmadminpassword' list
Total running VMs: 0

# list the VM's you have registered with VMWare Server 2.0
vmrun -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -T server -u yourvmadminuser -p 'yourvmadminpassword' listRegisteredVM
Total registered VMs: 4
[standard] Windows XP Professional 2/Windows XP Professional 2.vmx
[standard] Ubuntu 8.10 Server/Ubuntu 8.10 Server.vmx
# Identify the one you want to start
[standard] Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS/Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS.vmx
[standard] smallLinux/smallLinux.vmx

# Issue the start command
 sudo vmrun -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -T server -u yourvmadminuser -p 'yourvmadminpassword' start '[standard] Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS/Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS.vmx'

# Check it's running
vmrun -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -T server -u yourvmadminuser -p 'yourvmadminpassword' list
Total running VMs: 1
[standard] Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS/Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS.vmx


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