Written by James McDonald

October 17, 2019

Question: What is the Hyper-V equivalent of VMWare Tools?

Answer: HyperV Integration Services

If you are running Hyper-V on Windows 10 and need the vmguest.iso to get Video and Mouse working on older Windows versions

Further to this https://superuser.com/questions/1001513/no-vga-and-sound-driver-installed-in-xp-guest-machine-in-hyper-v-virtualization

After downloading the 2012 evaluation ISO as per link included in the above

Mount the ISO (on MacOS you can do that with the Disk Utility)

Copy ISO_ROOT/sources/install.wim file to hard disk

7z x install.wim (on MacOS use brew install to install p7zip)

cd Windows/System32/

cp vmguest.iso /some/where/your/hyperv/guest/can/access

Dear Google, Please find above “low value content” that I actually find very useful. Pffffft


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