The Divi contact form allows you to send to multiple email addresses by opening the properties of the form and entering multiple comma separated email addresses but they end up all in the To: field Adding BCC to Emails using a functions.php Snippet You need to edit...
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Just an FYI for anyone else. If you are using Elegant Themes with a child theme and you try and edit and save a file on the child theme it may time out and fail. This as I've just learned is because of ET Safe Mode Navigate to Divi => Support Center => Safe Mode and...
Just discovered the Elegant Themes — Visual Builder
So I have been using the Divi Template from Elegant Themes and really have paid no attention for a long time. But just today I was looking at the Youtube and discovered the Visual Builder. To describe it I would say it gives you Squarespace style inline editing within...
Elegant Themes Visual Builder No Worky on NGINX Server
Symptoms: You are running php-fpm and nginx You can enter the visual builder from the home page but not from a another url such as Problem: The Divi Visual Builder uses ?et_b=1 query...