# You get the mailbox sizes Get-MailboxStatistics -Server MYSBS2011SERVER | where {$_.ObjectClass –eq “Mailbox”} | Sort-Object TotalItemSize –Descending | ft @{label=”User”;expression={$_.DisplayName}},@{label=”Total Size (MB)”;expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}},@{label=”Items”;expression={$_.ItemCount}},@{label=”Storage Limit”;expression={$_.StorageLimitStatus}} -auto # when you do an export with this command and check the resulting file sizes you find some aren't # the right size and you can't open them with outlook New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox jamesm -FilePath \\servername\mailbox_export\jamesm20150216.pst # so run a command to get the failed exports and view the detail and you find # corrupted items encountered Get-MailboxExportRequest -Status Failed | Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics -IncludeReport | Format-List > AllExportReports.txt # If you look in the mailbox using outlook and find the corrupted items # they can be either truly corrupt or some weird character sets # that the mailbox export chokes on # next step is to do the export but specify the BadItemLimit and AcceptLargeDataLoss New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox jamesm -FilePath \\servername\mailbox_export\jamesm20150216.pst -BadItemLimit 1000 -AcceptLargeDataLoss