9.1. Internal Variables

Builtin variables

variables affecting bash script behavior


the path to the Bash binary itself, usually /bin/bash


an environmental variable pointing to a Bash startup file to be read when a script is invoked


a 6-element array containing version information about the installed release of Bash. This is similar to $BASH_VERSION, below, but a bit more detailed.

# Bash version info:

for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5
  echo "BASH_VERSINFO[$n] = ${BASH_VERSINFO[$n]}"

# BASH_VERSINFO[0] = 2                      # Major version no.
# BASH_VERSINFO[1] = 04                     # Minor version no.
# BASH_VERSINFO[2] = 21                     # Patch level.
# BASH_VERSINFO[3] = 1                      # Build version.
# BASH_VERSINFO[4] = release                # Release status.
# BASH_VERSINFO[5] = i386-redhat-linux-gnu  # Architecture
                                            # (same as $MACHTYPE).


the version of Bash installed on the system

bash$ echo $BASH_VERSION

tcsh% echo $BASH_VERSION
BASH_VERSION: Undefined variable.

Checking $BASH_VERSION is a good method of determining which shell is running. $SHELL does not necessarily give the correct answer.


the top value in the directory stack (affected by pushd and popd)

This builtin variable corresponds to the dirs command, however dirs shows the entire contents of the directory stack.


the default editor invoked by a script, usually vi or emacs.


"effective" user id number

Identification number of whatever identity the current user has assumed, perhaps by means of su.


The $EUID is not necessarily the same as the $UID.


name of the current function

xyz23 ()
  echo "$FUNCNAME now executing."  # xyz23 now executing.


                                   # Null value outside a function.


A list of filename patterns to be excluded from matching in globbing.


groups current user belongs to

This is a listing (array) of the group id numbers for current user, as recorded in /etc/passwd.

root# echo $GROUPS

root# echo ${GROUPS[1]}

root# echo ${GROUPS[5]}


home directory of the user, usually /home/username (see Example 9-12)


The hostname command assigns the system name at bootup in an init script. However, the gethostname() function sets the Bash internal variable $HOSTNAME. See also Example 9-12.


host type

Like $MACHTYPE, identifies the system hardware.

bash$ echo $HOSTTYPE

input field separator

This defaults to whitespace (space, tab, and newline), but may be changed, for example, to parse a comma-separated data file. Note that $* uses the first character held in $IFS. See Example 6-1.

bash$ echo $IFS | cat -vte

bash$ bash -c 'set w x y z; IFS=":-;"; echo "$*"'

(Thanks, S. C., for clarification and examples.)


ignore EOF: how many end-of-files (control-D) the shell will ignore before logging out.


Often set in the .bashrc or /etc/profile files, this variable controls collation order in filename expansion and pattern matching. If mishandled, LC_COLLATE can cause unexpected results in filename globbing.


As of version 2.05 of Bash, filename globbing no longer distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase letters in a character range between brackets. For example, ls [A-M]* would match both File1.txt and file1.txt. To revert to the customary behavior of bracket matching, set LC_COLLATE to C by an export LC_COLLATE=C in /etc/profile and/or ~/.bashrc.


This internal variable controls character interpretation in globbing and pattern matching.


This variable is the line number of the shell script in which this variable appears. It has significance only within the script in which it appears, and is chiefly useful for debugging purposes.

last_cmd_arg=$_  # Save it.

echo "At line number $LINENO, variable \"v1\" = $v1"
echo "Last command argument processed = $last_cmd_arg"


machine type

Identifies the system hardware.

bash$ echo $MACHTYPE

old working directory ("OLD-print-working-directory", previous directory you were in)


operating system type

bash$ echo $OSTYPE

path to binaries, usually /usr/bin/, /usr/X11R6/bin/, /usr/local/bin, etc.

When given a command, the shell automatically does a hash table search on the directories listed in the path for the executable. The path is stored in the environmental variable, $PATH, a list of directories, separated by colons. Normally, the system stores the $PATH definition in /etc/profile and/or ~/.bashrc (see Chapter 27).

bash$ echo $PATH

PATH=${PATH}:/opt/bin appends the /opt/bin directory to the current path. In a script, it may be expedient to temporarily add a directory to the path in this way. When the script exits, this restores the original $PATH (a child process, such as a script, may not change the environment of the parent process, the shell).


The current "working directory", ./, is usually omitted from the $PATH as a security measure.


Exit status of last executed pipe. Interestingly enough, this does not give the same result as the exit status of the last executed command.

bash$ echo $PIPESTATUS

bash$ ls -al | bogus_command
bash: bogus_command: command not found
bash$ echo $PIPESTATUS

bash$ ls -al | bogus_command
bash: bogus_command: command not found
bash$ echo $?


The $PPID of a process is the process id (pid) of its parent process. [1]

Compare this with the pidof command.


This is the main prompt, seen at the command line.


The secondary prompt, seen when additional input is expected. It displays as ">".


The tertiary prompt, displayed in a select loop (see Example 10-28).


The quartenary prompt, shown at the beginning of each line of output when invoking a script with the -x option. It displays as "+".


working directory (directory you are in at the time)

This is the analog to the pwd builtin command.



clear # Clear screen.


cd $TargetDirectory
echo "Deleting stale files in $TargetDirectory."

if [ "$PWD" != "$TargetDirectory" ]
then    # Keep from wiping out wrong directory by accident.
  echo "Wrong directory!"
  echo "In $PWD, rather than $TargetDirectory!"
  echo "Bailing out!"

rm -rf *
rm .[A-Za-z0-9]*    # Delete dotfiles.
# rm -f .[^.]* ..?*   to remove filenames beginning with multiple dots.
# (shopt -s dotglob; rm -f *)   will also work.
# Thanks, S.C. for pointing this out.

# Filenames may contain all characters in the 0 - 255 range, except "/".
# Deleting files beginning with weird characters is left as an exercise.

# Various other operations here, as necessary.

echo "Done."
echo "Old files deleted in $TargetDirectory."

exit 0


The default value when a variable is not supplied to read. Also applicable to select menus, but only supplies the item number of the variable chosen, not the value of the variable itself.


echo -n "What is your favorite vegetable? "

echo "Your favorite vegetable is $REPLY."
# REPLY holds the value of last "read" if and only if
# no variable supplied.

echo -n "What is your favorite fruit? "
read fruit
echo "Your favorite fruit is $fruit."
echo "but..."
echo "Value of \$REPLY is still $REPLY."
# $REPLY is still set to its previous value because
# the variable $fruit absorbed the new "read" value.


exit 0


The number of seconds the script has been running.



echo "Hit Control-C to exit this script."

while [ $ENDLESS_LOOP ]
  if [ "$SECONDS" -eq 1 ]

  echo "This script has been running $SECONDS $units."
  sleep $INTERVAL

exit 0


the list of enabled shell options, a readonly variable


Shell level, how deeply Bash is nested. If, at the command line, $SHLVL is 1, then in a script it will increment to 2.


If the $TMOUT environmental variable is set to a non-zero value time, then the shell prompt will time out after time seconds. This will cause a logout.


Unfortunately, this works only while waiting for input at the shell prompt console or in an xterm. While it would be nice to speculate on the uses of this internal variable for timed input, for example in combination with read, $TMOUT does not work in that context and is virtually useless for shell scripting. (Reportedly the ksh version of a timed read does work).

Implementing timed input in a script is certainly possible, but may require complex machinations. One method is to set up a timing loop to signal the script when it times out. This also requires a signal handling routine to trap (see Example 30-4) the interrupt generated by the timing loop (whew!).

An alternative is using stty.

Perhaps the simplest method is using the -t option to read.


user id number

current user's user identification number, as recorded in /etc/passwd

This is the current user's real id, even if she has temporarily assumed another identity through su. $UID is a readonly variable, not subject to change from the command line or within a script, and is the counterpart to the id builtin.

See also Example 2-2.


The variables $ENV, $LOGNAME, $MAIL, $TERM, $USER, and $USERNAME are not Bash builtins. These are, however, often set as environmental variables in one of the Bash startup files. $SHELL, the name of the user's login shell, may be set from /etc/passwd or in an "init" script, and it is likewise not a Bash builtin.

tcsh% echo $LOGNAME
tcsh% echo $SHELL
tcsh% echo $TERM

bash$ echo $LOGNAME
bash$ echo $SHELL
bash$ echo $TERM

Positional Parameters

$0, $1, $2, etc.

positional parameters, passed from command line to script, passed to a function, or set to a variable (see Example 5-5 and Example 11-10)


number of command line arguments [2] or positional parameters (see Example 34-2)


All of the positional parameters, seen as a single word


Same as $*, but each parameter is a quoted string, that is, the parameters are passed on intact, without interpretation or expansion. This means, among other things, that each parameter in the argument list is seen as a separate word.

Following a shift, the $@ holds the remaining command-line parameters, lacking the previous $1, which was lost.
# Invoke with ./scriptname 1 2 3 4 5

echo "$@"    # 1 2 3 4 5
echo "$@"    # 2 3 4 5
echo "$@"    # 3 4 5

# Each "shift" loses parameter $1.
# "$@" then contains the remaining parameters.

The $@ special parameter finds use as a tool for filtering input into shell scripts. The cat "$@" construction accepts input to a script either from stdin or from files given as parameters to the script. See Example 12-17 and Example 12-18.


The $* and $@ parameters sometimes display inconsistent and puzzling behavior, depending on the setting of $IFS.

Example 9-7. Inconsistent $* and $@ behavior


# Erratic behavior of the "$*" and "$@" internal Bash variables,
# depending on whether these are quoted or not.
# Word splitting and linefeeds handled inconsistently.

# This example script by Stephane Chazelas,
# and slightly modified by the document author.

set -- "First one" "second" "third:one" "" "Fifth: :one"
# Setting the script arguments, $1, $2, etc.


echo 'IFS unchanged, using "$*"'
for i in "$*"               # quoted
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"   # This line remains the same in every instance.
                            # Echo args.
echo ---

echo 'IFS unchanged, using $*'
for i in $*                 # unquoted
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS unchanged, using "$@"'
for i in "$@"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS unchanged, using $@'
for i in $@
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using "$*"'
for i in "$*"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using $*'
for i in $*
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using "$var" (var=$*)'
for i in "$var"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using $var (var=$*)'
for i in $var
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using $var (var="$*")'
for i in $var
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using "$var" (var="$*")'
for i in "$var"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using "$@"'
for i in "$@"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using $@'
for i in $@
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using $var (var=$@)'
for i in $var
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using "$var" (var=$@)'
for i in "$var"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using "$var" (var="$@")'
for i in "$var"
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"
echo ---

echo 'IFS=":", using $var (var="$@")'
for i in $var
do echo "$((c+=1)): [$i]"


# Try this script with ksh or zsh -y.

exit 0


The $@ and $* parameters differ only when between double quotes.

Other Special Parameters


Flags passed to script


This was originally a ksh construct adopted into Bash, and unfortunately it does not seem to work reliably in Bash scripts. One possible use for it is to have a script self-test whether it is interactive.


PID (process id) of last job run in background


Special variable set to last argument of previous command executed.


exit status of a command, function, or the script itself (see Example 23-3)


process id of script, often used in scripts to construct temp file names (see Example A-11, Example 30-5, and Example 12-23)



The pid of the currently running script is $$, of course.


The words "argument" and "parameter" are often used interchangeably. In the context of this document, they have the same precise meaning, that of a variable passed to a script or function.