Maitland Waterproofing

by | Apr 20, 2009 | Open Source Apps, Renovations | 0 comments

I have just finished coding a website for a friend. He's running a Waterproofing business.

I got him to do the waterproofing in my bathroom renovation, which he did a great job of. I was amazed at how neat the end result was (he used these cute little plastic dishes around all the pipe fittings).

The website uses the highslide javascript library for image display. It's well worth 29USD for the library. There are so many examples that come with it. You just have to pick one, then code from the example, and the extensive online help.

The way highslide embeds into a HTML page it appears that the content will still be available to be indexed by web crawlers such as Google.

The template we used was all .html files but I have changed them to .php files to make use of the server side includes functionality php provides. You can include html fragments simply by putting in the following:


I use this so I can have common components of the website in one file but reference it from each page it occurs in. Then you only have to update once :).


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