I have an instance of Arm 64 Ubuntu 24.04 running inside VMWare Fusion on a Macbook Pro M1
Pgadmin4 is NOT available in an arm64
So an alternative is DBeaver
Download and untar the ARM 64 version https://dbeaver.io/files/dbeaver-ce-latest-linux.gtk.aarch64-nojdk.tar.gz
Install a JDK
sudo apt-get install openjdk-21-jdk
# run dbeaver
tar -zxvf dbeaver-ce-24.2.1-linux.gtk.aarch64-nojdk.tar.gz
cd dbeaver
You will need to click Database => New Database Connection and enter the Postgres super user details
But once you have it connected you can interact with the database as you would with pgAdmin