Budget NAS. Enter Synology, QNAP isn’t the only option.

by | Apr 21, 2013 | IT Tips | 0 comments

Eventually I think my home will have laptops. They are easy to cart to where your $SIGNIFICANT_OTHER is located and you can be there instead of in the Office where you can't look up adoringly every now and again.

But that means you need some sort of way of being able to access you files and not necessarily leave a power hungry PC on with a Samba share running.

So just for my future reference I'm posting a link to a Synology DS213air 2 Bay NAS Server with Wifi http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=21360

I find that I wipe and rebuild my workstation every 6 months in keeping with the Fedora release cadence and it would be nice to have a NAS so I can just not have to re-org everything. It takes days to settle back down after a re-install and I would rather not have to move terrabytes of files every 6 months (especially the many virtualbox vm's).

So a NAS is on my wishlist.




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