I recently had to create a reasonably meaningful batch number for some GS1 compliant SSCC labels.
I have an Internet Explorer Interface that submits the request to our ERP system.
Due to legacy issues the batch number was restricted to 6 numeric digits. Some colleagues and I ended up coming up with a format of:
Where Y is the right most digit of the current year (2009 = 9)
Where OOO is the zero filled ordinal day of the year (January 1 = 001 , 15 June 2009 = 166)
And BB is a user interface selected 2 digit batch no. (01, 02, 0x - 99)
To get the Ordinal Day of the year was an excercise in Googling. Here is the algorithm I found embedded in someones html page... Sadly I can't attribute because I can't seem to Google back to it. So if it's yours let me know and I will.
Javascript Ordinal Date
VBScript Ordinal Date
myDate = Date
days = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
' now calc date
y = year(myDate)
' array is zero based so make
' the month the same 0 = jan, 1 = feb etc
m = month(myDate) - 1
d = day(myDate)
' find out if it's a Leap Year
if ( 0 = y mod 4 ) then
' add one day to february if it's a leap yr
days(1) = days(1) + 1
end if
for i = 0 to m - 1
' if june you need to add the first 5 months totals
myDays = myDays + days(i)
'then add the final months day value
myDays = myDays + d
msgbox "Date : " & date & vbcrlf & "Ordinal Days : " & myDays