Written by James McDonald

September 8, 2024

3 years ago I got Apache FOP working with the Sourceforge version of Barcode4J:

The source forge version of Barcode4J dates from 2015 it has been forked, is now hosted on Github and is being actively developed.

So this is how I got it working from the fop cli

You need maven installed and openjdk (this is on Ubuntu 24.04 in WSL)

apt-get install maven openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-21-jdkjava

Testing it works (see below for the install script)

Copy the xsl and xml files from barcode4j-2.2.4\barcode4j-fop-ext\src\test\resources\ to fop-2.9/fop/

Now goto fop-2.9/fop/ and run a test using the samples from above

./fop -xml barcodes.xml -xsl barcode-data-XSL-2.xsl out.pdf

Here is what it looks like if it's working

You should get this sample:

Install script

This is how I got it working I just had to copy the correct jars from barcode4J into the fop/lib directory

wget -O barcode4j-2.2.4.tar.gz https://github.com/SingingBush/barcode4j/archive/refs/tags/2.2.4.tar.gz
wget -O fop-2.9-bin.tar.gz 'https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?filename=/xmlgraphics/fop/binaries/fop-2.9-bin.tar.gz&action=download'

tar -xzvf barcode4j-2.2.4.tar.gz

cd barcode4j-2.2.4

mvn package

cd ../

tar -xzvf fop-2.9-bin.tar.gz



for i in $BARCODE4J_LIBS
    echo $i
    cp $i $FOP_LIB_DIR


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