Beta means Beta Ubuntu 8.10 is definately Beta

by | Oct 27, 2008 | Ubuntu | 0 comments

So I installed the development version of the upcoming Ubuntu 8.10 and thought this is great, but when it came time to drill down to actually using it I ran into the following.

  • Network Manager PPTP client connects but builds tunnel which allows ping and smb to pass but can't connect via vncviewer or rdp (I think this was an MTU problem but am not sure)
  • Network Manager OpenVPN client is still in heavy development swapping input fields caused problems
  • GIMP 2.6 works fine but when trying to print. The gnome page setup/printing subsystem won't allow proper rotation and resizing of the image onto 4x6 photo paper

The moral of the story: Sometimes Open Source Beta Software works fine but in this case Beta is Beta. But hey I was warned

So a recommendation is boot into the Live CD to give it a test, and if the critical bit's you need work, then you can install. Otherwise forget it till it's non-beta.


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