I wanted to try and install the latest version of the GIMP So I googled and found this blog with a nice gimp svn download and installation script named gimpsvn.sh
cd ~/gimp-build
My notes:
Do make a directory such as gimp-build and cd into it
mkdir ~/gimp-build
cd gimp-build
When you copy the script from the website and paste the script into an editor you may need to remove the fancy quotes “
and replace them with plain old quotes "
likewise some single quotes may show as these ’
so you may need to replace them with '
. Also run through the script and check for bad line wraps as some of the commands may fail due to them.
I also create a my_prefix=/opt/gimpsvn variable at the top of the script and replace all instances of /opt/gimpsvn with $my_prefix to allow control of the location with only one change.
Save the script into your gimp-build directory as gimpsvn.sh and make it executeable chmod +x gimpsvn.sh
To kick the build off
The gimpsvn.sh script uses checkinstall to install the packages. For package name I simply typed the name of each package: BABL, GEGL or GIMP and pressed enter twice. e.g.
Please write a description for the package.
End your description with an empty line or EOF.
I pressed enter to accept the rest of the checkinstall defaults:
Enter a number to change any of them or press ENTER to continue:
I entered no to create a docs package.
Should I create a default set of package docs? [y]: n
When seeing the checkinstall error "Building Debian package... FAILED!" I ignored it because the install into $my_prefix (/opt/gimpsvn) was successful, which is what counts
I entered no to view the log after checkinstall finished
Once all the packages are installed it's a good idea to create a gimp-2.5 launch script somewhere in your path.
I created /home/user/bin/gimp-2.5 with the following contents as recommended by the developer release notes and made it executeable.
export PATH
$PREFIX/bin/gimp-2.5 "$@"
This was all done on:
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 8.04
Release: 8.04
Codename: hardy