Every month I have to submit page counts to our printer supplier. Usually it involves connecting to each printers administration webpage counting up the different totals (black/white, colour) and then sending that back to them.
Here is a VBScript function that calls snmpget.exe and takes three arguments
- IP Address of device you are querying
- SNMP Community name (usually public or private)
Get snmpget from here
To find out what OID's are available use snmpwalk and pipe it to a file:
snmpwalk -v 1 -c public > oids.txt
iso. = STRING: "Aficio MP C3000"
iso. = INTEGER: 1500
iso. = Gauge32: 100000000
iso. = Counter32: 0
option explicit
dim name_oid
name_oid = ""
wscript.echo getSNMPVal("", "public", name_oid)
function getSNMPVal( server, community, oid)
on error resume next
dim strCommand
dim oShell
dim oScriptExec
dim snmpget_stdout
dim retval
dim aRetSplit
' define your command
strCommand = "C:\myprograms\sbin\snmpget.exe -c " & _
community & " -v 1 " & server & " " & oid
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' run the snmpget command
Set oScriptExec = oShell.Exec(strCommand)
'pipe the result into a variable
snmpget_stdout = oScriptExec.StdOut.ReadAll
if InStr(snmpget_stdout, "STRING:") > 0 then
aRetSplit = Split(snmpget_stdout, "STRING:")
retval = replace(Trim(aRetSplit(1)), Chr(34), "")
'delete double quotes
retval = replace(retval, vbcrlf, "")
' with the stdout.readall method you get
'crlf's at the end of your strings. e.g. asc(15) asc(10)
elseif InStr(snmpget_stdout, "INTEGER:") > 0 then
aRetSplit = Split(snmpget_stdout, "INTEGER:")
retval = Trim(aRetSplit(1))
retval = retval + 0 ' make sure it's a number
elseif InStr(snmpget_stdout, "IpAddress:") > 0 then
aRetSplit = Split(snmpget_stdout, "IpAddress:")
retval = replace(trim(aRetSplit(1)), Chr(34), "")
' if there is no return or you haven't defined something
' in the elseif section (e.g. Counter32: or Gauge32:)
' it returns a generic error
retval = "ERROR: " & snmpget_stdout
end if
getSNMPVal = retval
end function
Hello. This code is exactly what I was looking for - thank you.
Is there any way to hide the snmp.exe window from the user when the code is executed?
How about:
Excellent code, made my life super easy, Do you have something for SNMP set aswel ?