I'm not able to ping a wireless up-linked Unifi UAP-AC-HD device. It is marked as ISOLATED in the Unifi Controller.
Strangely the Unifi Controller is reporting it was last seen 2 minutes ago but I think this is a furphy. If anyone knows if there is a back channel that Unifi kit uses to talk over I would be interested to hear of it.
I wanted to see if there was any traffic at all being seen so I wanted to know if there was any ARP traffic coming from it so this is the command I used
tcpdump -n -i br0 ether host 62:e8:29:bc:02:99
This is my layout
-----[ Wired UAP-AC-HD]-< wireless up-link >-[Wirelessly up-linked UAP-AC-HD]
I SSH into the Wired UAP-AC-HD and run the above command to see if there is any ARP traffic at all
Get the MAC address from the Unifi Controller by selecting the correct site => devices => select the device and from the slide out menu under overview copy the MAC Address
I ended up not seeing an broadcast traffic at all
So the device being on the other side of the world will need a power cycle.