I'm playing with upgrading a Ubuntu 9.04 installation and ran into the "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool." and I had no idea what version `lucid' was.
To find the version of the currently running Linux box use lsb_release -a
lsb_release -a
Output of lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 9.04
Release: 9.04
Codename: jaunty
So here is a nice table listing the Ubuntu versions:
(note: I don't know if this is exactly right esp. re the slug column)
Version | Name | Slug | Long Term Support Release |
4.10 | Warty Warthog | warty | |
5.04 | Hoary Hedgehog | hoary | |
5.10 | Breezy Badger | breezy | |
6.06 | Dapper Drake | dapper | Yes |
6.10 | Edgy Eft | edgy | |
7.04 | Feisty Fawn | feisty | |
7.10 | Gutsy Gibbon | gutsy | |
8.04 | Hardy Heron | hardy | Yes |
8.10 | Intrepid Ibex | intrepid | |
9.04 | Jaunty Jackalope | jaunty | |
9.10 | Karmic Koala | karmic | |
10.04 | Lucid Lynx | lucid | Yes |
10.10 | Maverick Meerkat | maverick | |
11.04 | Natty Narwhal | natty | |
11.10 | Oneiric Ocelot | oneiric | |
12.04 | Yes |