So I was attempting to create a Powershell script that would Create an Azure AD Application and do the Application Admin consent aswell
The script I had as a sample used AzureRM to get a refresh token and then get an access token to then do the POST to the endpoint as follows:
Older Admin Consent Using AzureRM
Function Grant-OAuth2PermissionsToApp {
$azureAdContext = Get-AzureRmContext
$refreshToken = @($azureAdContext.TokenCache.ReadItems() | Where { $_.tenantId -eq $tenantId -and $_.ExpiresOn -gt (Get-Date) })[0].RefreshToken
$body = "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$($refreshToken)&resource=74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6"
$apiToken = Invoke-RestMethod "$tenantId/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body $body -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$header = @{
'Authorization' = 'Bearer ' + $apiToken.access_token
'X-Requested-With' = 'XMLHttpRequest'
'x-ms-client-request-id' = [guid]::NewGuid()
'x-ms-correlation-id' = [guid]::NewGuid()
$url = "$newAppId/Consent?onBehalfOfAll=true"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $header -Method POST -ErrorAction Stop
But I wanted to remove the dependency to the older and deprecated AzureRM module. I tried to use Enable-AzureRMAlias
but then $azureAdContext.TokenCache.ReadItems()
didn't exist
So then it was down to Google for a few hours and this is what I came up with that worked using the newer Az module... The following seems to work
Newer Admin Consent Using Az
Function Grant-OAuth2PermissionsToApp {
$context = Get-AzContext
if ($null -eq $context) {
$null = Connect-AZAccount -EA stop
$context = Get-AzContext
# get an access token to access resource / 74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6
$token = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::Instance.AuthenticationFactory.Authenticate($context.Account, $context.Environment, $context.Tenant.Id, $null, "Never", $null, "74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6")
$header = @{
'Authorization' = 'Bearer ' + $token.AccessToken
'X-Requested-With' = 'XMLHttpRequest'
'x-ms-client-request-id' = [guid]::NewGuid()
'x-ms-correlation-id' = [guid]::NewGuid()
$url = "$newAppId/Consent?onBehalfOfAll=true"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $header -Method POST -ErrorAction Stop