Croatia Day 7 – Korcula

by | May 27, 2011 | European Vacation Adventure | 1 comment

What a suprise! From Hvar we were treating Korcula as a necessary stop on the way to Dubrovnik. And so only planned one night and then leave on the bus in the morning. But Korcula is lovely. A small Promontory which houses the old town and ancient buildings with nice knook and cranny restaurants dotted throughtout. We went first to the bus station which was easy to find and purchased our tickets to Dubrovnik and then explored as much as we could.

The place we were staying for the night in Korcula was called “Maria's Place” Maria turned out to be a hospitable, attractive Croatian lady in her 70's. The room was very nice so a vote for “Maria's Place”. Because we were staying in the old town part of Korcula with the aforementioned restaurants there was some noise at night but this didn't stop me getting sleep. Actually it was a nice contrast to home which city people tell me is very quite.

Korcula Features I liked –

  • A watchtower that has been converted to a drinks bar. You have to climb a ladder to get to the top and then the drinks are served by a dumb waiter. (no not a “dumb waiter” a tray on a pulley system that brings the drinks up to the top of the tower),
  • A central church,
  • Marco Polo's house.
  • A beautiful harbour
  • breathtaking views of the nearby island.

One of the things I really noted with Korcula is it had “real” weather. Hvar just seemed like idyllic endless sunny calm days. When we got to Korcula the wind was blowing and it was cloudy. Coming from the Southern highlands of New South Wales I kind of felt more at home with a bit of weather of the inclement kind.

We are currently on the bus from Korcula to Dubrovnik. It's an interesting ride from Korcula bus terminal you ride to the ferry terminal and drive onto the Jadroljina (speling?) ferry to get to the mainland and then it's a bus trip through a winding coastal road.

On our bus there is a young german (I think) couple with 2 children. One of the little boys got travel sick and his dad had to clean him up. It makes me remember the times I got travel sickness and my parents had to stop and do the same. Yay to parents they make you understand that life happens and you just have to deal with it

I'm learning a lot about my travel partner. Having to pack and unpack every day or so and then get to a train/bus/plane/room on time provides a test of patience and understanding. Especially when you discover that you don't have the same ideological map in your head regarding how to get to said travel locations. Note to self: Don't just stand around and wait for everyone to be ready, get in and help.

I'm developing a tan. But apparently my feet are still too white. We need to buy hats, when we try them on I can't tell if they look good or not I wish my Fashion Sense wasn't atrophied.

Woozy from looking down while riding in bus stopping now.

1 Comment

  1. Rachael Flynn

    I think you fell into the same trap as most people when they visit's beauty and relaxed way of life just leaves people wanting to extend their holiday on the island...we couldn't get enough of the place and moved here last August! Good observation about the weather, it's notorious for its "winds", which in the summer provides a well needed cooling system; in the winter they almost blow you away! Can't wait to see where you are going next on your travels.


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