Paris – Arrived

by | May 12, 2011 | European Vacation Adventure | 1 comment

Just got to our accomodation in Paris. It's quite nice actually.

It's in one one of those old buildings that has been retro fitted for the modern era. It's got interesting plumbing and electrical. But it also has wifi so I'm happy.

I haven't seen much of Paris as yet. The bus ride from the airport almost convinced me I was in Sydney (Motorways, Multinational Company Signs). However that quickly changed as we are staying in an older area of Paris.

I did discover they drive on the right hand side here. And that it's multi-cultural, like Australia, but with a stronger African mix as opposed to Australia which has more people of Asian decent.

Anyway I'm now going to have a shower and have a wonder around near our accomodation... Starving too actually.

Hmmm Food.

1 Comment

  1. netllama

    Yes, driving on the right is so quaint 😉


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