Paris – Day 5

by | May 18, 2011 | European Vacation Adventure | 0 comments

We went to see a Church the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris (the name sounds better in French Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, Paris on butte Monmartre) it was on a big hill and we climbed to the top of the churches tower which was over 300 steps. Good panoramic views of Paris.

After doing the Eiffel tower a day before hand it was nice to look back at it from a different vantage point.

We also went to the Louvre Museum which to my mind was works of art with-in a work of art — The building is amazing and huge. So many people though. We certainly weren't on the "Road Less Travelled" as far as places we visited.

To sum up Paris

  • Dirty
  • Expensive
  • Breath-taking
  • Chaotic
  • Iconic Historic Sites
  • Amazing Architecture

In a city of Tourists how do you find an authentic Parisian experience? I would need to spend a lot more time in Paris and speak French in order for me to feel I could find it. 5 nights is not long enough to see the real Paris.

After day 5 in Paris it was time to leave for Slovenia. Caught the Metro to Chatelet and the RER B to CDG Terminal 2. Got to Paris airport and consumed my free 15 minutes of Wifi on both my HP Mini and my Android HTC Desire while we waited to depart.

Slovenia posts to follow...


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