I just attempted to use md5sum.exe under windows...
In a putty session on a Linux box I ran md5sum
[thejayster@abigbox thejayster]$ md5sum live-bak-200909250216AM.tar.gz
f7f3d5ac5cd898dbceaf1939c2228c15 live-bak-200909250216AM.tar.gz
# copy the output to windows
C:\backup>md5sum -c MD5SUM.txt
: No such file or directory16AM.tar.gz
: FAILED open or readAM.tar.gz
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 listed file could not be read
; try and run md5sum against the file...
C:\backup>md5sum -c MD5SUM.txt
live-bak-200909250216AM.tar.gz: OK
; this is after converting the MD5SUM.txt file to unix format using notepad++