A New Template
With Googles recent (April) algorithm changes my website suffered a 50% drop in traffic. So I thought it was time to go for new theme. I have chosen a HTML5 theme named FavePersonal from Crowd Favorite.
It's got a lot of features that I'm still learning about. But overall I'm very happy with it. It's not the cheapest theme but even on the internet you get what you pay for.
A Slight Name Change
This blog has gone under the moniker of the "The Telarah Times" for many years but in the interests of accuracy I've now change this to "The Telarah Technology Times" which I think is similar to "Peter Piper Picked..." only with T's.
No Advertisements Currently and Content Needs a Polish
I've yet to re-instate the Google Ads I've had running for a while, and I've got to go back through the content and update some of the markup to remove smart tags from plugins that I no longer use namely the Highslide <highslide> and WP-Sytax <pre lang="code_language"> tags. I've been blogging since 2006 so this isn't as simple as doing it manually. I could dump the database, do a find and replace and then reload the DB but that has it's issues too.
Baby Come Back
Anyway hopefully the new markup from the very modern theme will stop the stink eye from Google.