You have a database with a heap of tables already running.
You want to start from that base and then be able to migrate from that running database through the addition of new fields and then migrate those changes to your production database
Here is how I believe you do it with CakePHP 3.x
Firstly so I don't have old migration cruft I delete the current migrations and drop the phinxlog table
1 | rm config /Migrations/ * |
In MYSQL delete the phinxlog table which gets rid of old migration cruft
1 2 | # in mysql DROP TABLE `clamDev`.`phinxlog`; |
Next you want to create a base migration snapshot. This captures your database as it is in the beginning
1 2 3 4 5 | bin /cake bake migration_snapshot Base # output Creating file /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations/20171216230425_Base .php Wrote` /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations/20171216230425_Base .php` Marking the migration 20171216230425_Base as migrated... |
The Base migration image is a PHP description of the entire database as at this link 20171216230425_Base
The next step is using Mysql client or Mysql Workbench (or whatever you use to dev your database) to add new tables and columns to your database which is not shown here.
Once you have made your database modifications. You then need to create a diff. A diff describes only the changes you have made since your last migration_shapshot. You create a diff as follows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | bin /cake bake migration_diff AddAuxilarySchoolToAssigned # you will see out put similar to the following as the changes are capture by migration_diff Creating file /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations/20171216232044_AddAuxilarySchoolToAssigned .php Wrote ` /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations/20171216232044_AddAuxilarySchoolToAssigned .php` Marking the migration 20171216232044_AddAuxilarySchoolToAssigned as migrated... using migration paths - /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations using seed paths - /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Seeds Migration `20171216232044` successfully marked migrated ! Creating a dump of the new database state... using migration paths - /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations using seed paths - /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Seeds Writing dump file ` /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations/schema-dump-default .lock`... Dump file ` /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations/schema-dump-default .lock` was successfully written |
Here is an example of the migration_diff created
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | <?php use Migrations\AbstractMigration; class AddAuxilarySchoolToAssigned extends AbstractMigration { public function up() { $this ->table( 'assigned' ) ->addColumn( 'aux_person_id' , 'integer' , [ 'after' => 'assistant_id' , 'default' => null, 'length' => 11, 'null' => true, ]) ->addColumn( 'aux_assistant_id' , 'integer' , [ 'after' => 'aux_person_id' , 'default' => null, 'length' => 11, 'null' => true, ]) ->update(); } public function down() { $this ->table( 'assigned' ) ->removeColumn( 'aux_person_id' ) ->removeColumn( 'aux_assistant_id' ) ->update(); } } |
You will be able to see the migration status by running the following
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | bin /cake migrations status using migration paths - /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Migrations using seed paths - /Users/jmcd/sites/clam/config/Seeds using environment default Status Migration ID Migration Name ----------------------------------------- up 20171216230425 Base up 20171216232044 AddAuxilarySchoolToAssigned |
The above shows that you have two stages of changes and both have been applied
To revert the changes of the last diff
1 | bin /cake migrations rollback |
To specifically choose the migration to apply use the -t timestamp option
bin/cake migrations migrate -t 20171216232044