wxPerl Fedora 11

by | Jul 4, 2009 | Fedora | 2 comments

Update: See comment from Dave Cross below for a safer method of installing CPAN modules on an RPM system.

The current wxPerl shipped with Fedora is Broken (version 0.91-1.fc11)... Still.

/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/Wx/Wx.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Guse_safe_putenv_ptr

Remove it with

yum remove perl-Wx

I made sure I had the wxGTK-devel pacakage installed and the following other wx stuff.

Then I made sure I had cpan installed

yum install perl-CPAN

Then from a root prompt I ran

Then inside cpan (after going through the initial configuration I did)

upgrade cpan
reload cpan

# This took a long time
install Wx

# when prompted I said NOT to download 
# wxWidgets and to use the system version.
install Wx::Demo

# finally give it a berl

You should be able to launch the demo and see this once you click Help ==> About:
Screenshot-About wxPerl demo


  1. Dave Cross

    Looks like there's a new build of perl-Wx which fixes this problem.


    It relies on a new build of Perl too.


    They're both currently "status: pending". I assume they'll appear in the yum updates queue in the next few days.

    On a related note, I think that advising people to install modules from CPAN on a system where some modules are already installed using RPMs is really bad advice. Mixing CPAN-installed modules with RPM-installed modules is a recipe for disaster. Building your own RPM from the CPAN module is a far safer approach, and really isn't as hard as you might think.

    See my presentation for more details:


  2. james

    It's good news that they have a fix for the broken perl-Wx.

    I had no idea about cpanspec so thanks for posting.


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