I used to maintain another file for user email signatures but that is really daft when you can store and maintain it in AD.
This is how to grab the users details from Active Directory using Kixtart Script.
$oADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
$strUser = $oADSysInfo.UserName
$oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" + $strUser)
$strPhone = $oUser.telephoneNumber
$strName = $oUser.FullName
$strTitle = $oUser.Title
$strMail = $oUser.mail
$strDepartment = $oUser.Department
$strCompany = $oUser.Company
$strStreet = $oUser.StreetAddress
$strPostalCode = $oUser.PostalCode
$strCity = $oUser.L
$strCountry = $oUser.Co
$strFax = $oUser.FacsimileTelephoneNumber
$strMobile = $oUser.Mobile
$strWeb = $oUser.wWWHomePage
$strDescription = $oUser.Description
; echo it to terminal
? $strUser ; this is the CN record
? $strPhone
? $strName
? $strTitle
? $strMail
? $strDepartment
? $strCompany
? $strStreet
? $strPostalCode
? $strCity
? $strCountry
? $strFax
? $strMobile
? $strWeb
? $strDescription
Here is the VB Script version
set oADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUser = oADSysInfo.UserName
set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" + strUser)
strPhone = oUser.telephoneNumber
strName = oUser.FullName
strTitle = oUser.Title
strMail = oUser.mail
strDepartment = oUser.Department
strCompany = oUser.Company
strStreet = oUser.StreetAddress
strPostalCode = oUser.PostalCode
strCity = oUser.L
strCountry = oUser.Co
strFax = oUser.FacsimileTelephoneNumber
strMobile = oUser.Mobile
strWeb = oUser.wWWHomePage
strDescription = oUser.Description
' echo it to terminal
wscript.echo strUser
wscript.echo strPhone
wscript.echo strName
wscript.echo strTitle
wscript.echo strMail
wscript.echo strDepartment
wscript.echo strCompany
wscript.echo strStreet
wscript.echo strPostalCode
wscript.echo strCity
wscript.echo strCountry
wscript.echo strFax
wscript.echo strMobile
wscript.echo strWeb
wscript.echo strDescription