Hoi-an Clothes Silver Beach and Bicycles

by | Dec 5, 2012 | Vietnam 2012 | 1 comment

The first day in Hoi-an we went to a tailor to get measured for clothes. Today was the final fitting and shipment home.

Hopefully when we get them home they will look good. I always get buyers remorse, but at 1/3 the cost of back home its too good to pass up. They are done very quickly so not perfect but good enough I hope.


Me doing final fitting in "Peace" Tailors shop.



Nice top Lisa had made


We went to a silversmith to look at jewelery. Apparently the lady in the shops daughters sell some of the pieces at some Sydney Markets (not sure which)


The silver smiths in Hoi-an make everything in house.



Silversmiths at work. You ask for it they make it then and there.


And to An Bang beach


An Bang Beach


By bicycle


Me riding and a guy doing the usual transporting lengths of material by vesper.


And lunch was yum


Any place that has chickens ranks in my book


Apparently they do runs through the streets....


1 Comment

  1. Linduse

    As always the lovely Lisa looks stunning, and James you do look smashing in that suit.The silversmiths are amazing, they're so talented.The chickens are the prize winning photo. Have fun, you both have been so amazing in sharing your holiday with us. Bear Hugs


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