So if you have been using Google Authenticator to provide your 2 factor login codes. Another, and I believe better option is This allows you to install on your phone, and for me my macbook and it backs up to the cloud, allowing restoring and transfer between...
If you, like me, haven't had formal programming training and would like to see how to properly code in PHP. Have a look at the source code to the Pheanstalk project. IANAP but to me it looks very clean and logical and very DRY (don't repeat yourself)...
Chromebook Disable the Touchpad while typing by using syndaemon annoyed that while typing my touchpad would be active and taking the accidental swipes and causing all sort of "unexpected behaviour" Syndaemon to the rescue syndaemon -i 1 -d worked well for me.
Well worth spending an hour on this. Gives a good overview of all the features in the Chrome Developer Tools. Along with making use of the PageSpeed Plugin to assist in optimising the delivery of web content. If you are developing for the web. You will need to know...
Fedora 18 firewall-config fails to run ServiceUnknown error answer was systemctl restart firewalld
Just installed recoll ( a desktop search tool ) and it complains about heaps of missing "helper" applications. I couldn't install pstotext unless I add a repository as listed at the above link. I also found that the missing helper list is located in...
I want to start creating web apps that can be used on iPhone and/or Android based devices. HTML5 apparently is the way to go. Only I'm tired of using vi or bluefish so I'm hoping that there are some Linux friendly products that will allow a little WYSIWYG editing. For...
Local RAWS approved JDM importer The Toy Shop
If you run SBS 2011 and want to test ActiveSync Connectivity You May Need This in case you don't have an Android and / or iPhone/iPad and you need to test Remote ActiveSync connectivity this website may do the job.
VMWare VCenter Embedded DB2 Database Documentation for DB2 documentation for the embedded database on VMware vCenter Server Appliance 5.0.0-455964 rpm -qa | grep db2 VMware-db2expressc-9.7.2-1 I ended up downloading the /opt/db2/db2expc_9.7.2_install/db2exc_972_LNX_x86_64.tar.gz file and unpacking it and...
Link to Article about the Higgs Boson here for later reading
If you get a redirect loop while running owncloud under nginx It may be because /var/lib/php/session doesn't exist Or if it does you may be suffering from a permission issue caused by /usr/lib/php/session being owned by...
What to do with all those “Spare” Ethernet Ports on my Servers the last couple of years I've been scratching my head wondering why each server delivered had 2+ ethernet ports... and what to do with them. Apparently VMWare supports Etherchannel so instead of having idle Ethernet Ports I should be able to do EtherChannel... One...