If its a replica Remove Replication
Get the paths to the Hard Drives
Get-VM TGN-RWD-BK01 |Select-Object -ExpandProperty HardDrives
Make a note of the location of the hard drives from the output
VMName ControllerType ControllerNumber ControllerLocation DiskNumber Path
------ -------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------- ----
TGN-RWD-BK01 IDE 0 0 D:\Virtual Machines\Hyper-V Replica\Virtual hard disks\32FF1CEC-AGB2-4153-82F8-9BB1A56A70ED\FB8F64AE-24BC-4257-B79C-2C1F8192FB8F.vhdx
TGN-RWD-BK01 SCSI 0 0 D:\Virtual Machines\Hyper-V Replica\Virtual hard disks\32FF1CEC-AGB2-4153-82F8-9BB1A56A70ED\9FDE8146-E6AE-40C0-A7AA-5D80AAEC7F15.vhdx
Then with GUI or Powershell Remove the VM
Remove-VM TGN-RWD-BK01
In Windows Explorer find and delete the folder containing the vhd's "D:\Virtual Machines\Hyper-V Replica\Virtual hard disks\32FF1CEC-AGB2-4153-82F8-9BB1A56A70ED\"