James McDonald

Connecting the HP Chromebook to a Cisco ASA 5510

Used this howto: https://support.google.com/chromeos/answer/2382577?hl=en Works with my Chromebook, Windows 7 and Android (Samsung Galaxy SII) Sometimes the Chromebook takes a little while to connect. And if it disconnects you may need to wait a few minutes before it...

Cross Platform Client Side Encryption

All details here ==> http://www.funzt.info/?p=910 Windows Requires a way of mounting one folder to another using Dokan (which is a Windows version of FUSE) and then the Windows version of encFS On Android I have been using BoxCryptor which also has a Windows Client...

Reading Symantec Backup Exec Logs in Firefox

http://www.symantec.com/connect/forums/job-logs-dont-work-firefox The above suggests turning off javascript in Firefox which will then display the Backup Exec Html log file fully expanded. On my Chromebook Developer Mode running Ubuntu 13.04 GNU/Linux inside a crouton...

Scripting PSFTP and PLINK using VBS

Sample script of using PuTTYs psftp and plink to: login to a remote linux host using plink via ssh, run a find command to return a list of files in a directory tree, build a psftp batch script to grab and move the remote files login again using psftp and run the batch...

RegRead / RegWrite VBS

Thinking of storing settings in registry. Some sample code: set oshell = createobject("wscript.shell") apf = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Settings" settings = Array("user", "domain", "password", "host") slug = apf & "\edi_transfer_" ' create APFoods key...

VBS Dictionary Object: The poor mans JSON

After spending a lot of time coding in jQuery and CakePHP. Which rely heavily on JSON and PHP Arrays respectively I have come to appreciate storing stuff in objects. Most of my at work Windows scripting stuff is done using VBS so I was searching for a way to store...

Apple.com Trailers ChromeOS Crouton/Ubuntu 13.04

I have a HP Chromebook but wanted to watch apple.com trailers and it comes up with the "Get QuickTime" splash in Google Chrome. Note: The following fix is not to get Apple.com trailers working in the Chromebooks ChromeOS Google Chrome browser but inside a crouton...

Learning Git

Generally if you Google you will be heading over to stackoverflow and will probably find the answer to specific problems quite quickly. However it pays to have a structural overview of git. I found the following two resources immensely  helpful. The most amazing...