Windows 7 – Setting Proxy Configuration from the command line

by | Jan 27, 2012 | IT Tips | 1 comment

Was working from memory today and found that proxycfg.exe doesn't exist in Windows 7 and it's been replaced by netsh.

You can do it all from the netsh command line but it's quite easy to first set it up under your Internet Options and then Import the settings as follows:

Enter your proxy address and port then click the Advanced button to configure the proxy bypass list.

Proxy Address

Set proxy address and port

Under advanced settings add the domains / IP's to bypass

Image of Internet Explorer Proxy Dialog

Set up bypass-list in Internet Explorer

Then import the settings using netsh

Windows CMD Dialog showing netsh winhttp import proxy command

Using netsh to import proxy settings

netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

Current WinHTTP proxy settings:

    Proxy Server(s) :
    Bypass List     :  192.168.55.*;*.internaldomain.local;<local

netsh winhttp show proxy

Current WinHTTP proxy settings:

    Proxy Server(s) :
    Bypass List     :  192.168.55.*;*.internaldomain.local;<local>

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