Just saw this error and usually this is due to having a misconfiguration in the database connection options. But I am running Fedora 25 with seLinux enabled by default. First to test if it's seLinux causing an issue If...
CakePHP 2 – Dynamically Globally Changing the Database Connection
Dynamically Globally Changing the Database Connection in CakePHP 2.x I use this code in app/Model/AppModel.php to dynamically change my database environment in CakePHP 2.x depending where it is running <?php //app/Model/AppModel.php App::uses('Model', 'Model');...
UI Lockups due to long running tasks Recently coded a CakePHP 3 application that would send about 30-60 emails when a user triggered the 'notify' action. When they did this it took probably 30 - 40 seconds for control to return to user. So I was looking at how to fix...
An end to the never ending story of ReactJS development environment setup
So I just learn't that there is a command that can create a react environment quickly and easily. And it includes the cool web server that reloads every time you edit your component code and also it has a build command to compile it to production.... A lot easier...
Atom Text Editor – I may have found my netbeans replacement
After watching a rather good ReactJS youtube tutorial here ==> https://youtu.be/pTHCwUdGFkc I noticed the guys who did the tutorial were using Atom. So I have just downloaded it and found that it has all the special sauce to do ReactJS, HTML, PHP and a host of...
Perl Script to Parse PDF Invoice and Send Email
This script uses perl to run pdftotext to grab the text from a PDF Invoice. It parses and extracts document meta data and then uses that to construct a meaningful filename and attach and send the PDF to the correct recipient. You could automate this by placing a watch...
Making Weird Grunting Noises with CakePHP 3 & Twitter Bootstrap
This is how I got grunt running with the twbs/bootstrap plugin to automatically copy the CSS, JS and Fonts into my CakePHP 3 development environment. I did this on MacBookPro OSX 10.11.5. But this applies to Linux too. If anyone has better suggestions as to how this...
I have no idea what the problem is PHP CLI
Trying to do some PHP tutorials using vim and running php from the command line and I get.... nothing back. If it's a syntax error (e.g. a missing line ending ; ) then no reply at all. If the syntax is correct and it's something else then the error isn't displayed...
CakePHP POST Failing
I was just trying to submit about 10 x 15 records... and found that cakephp was failing with a validation error. Found out it was due to the following in the php error log. [09-Jun-2016 19:16:22 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded...