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Stopping Yum Updating Certain Packages

I recently downloaded and installed's 2.2.1 The next upgrade YUM wanted to do was going to downgrade it back to 2.2.0-14. etc. To stop YUM doing this I added the following into the '[main]' section of /etc/yum.conf* Information is...

wxWidgets & wxPerl Install Notes Fedora 7

Note: These Notes don't yet give a working F7 wxPerl environment. I am currently trying the wxperl-users mailing list to see if I can get some information on why isn't being compiled/installed. I am having all sorts of problems trying to get the latest...

Madman Music Manager Rocks

I have been using madman for indexing and organising my music and recordings for about three years. Each time a new distribution comes out I sometimes need to recompile it. Which I did recently for Fedora 7. I did at one stage write a spec file and get it all nicely...

Configure bluefish to use exo-open

If you have a default install of bluefish on Fedora 7. It is probably configured to use mozilla as the default browser and may have some rather complex command line to launch a browser and display the file you are working on. exo-open from the XFCE4 project takes a...

dnsmasq setup Fedora Core 7 I do the following. Normally the local machine queries /etc/resolv.conf for DNS servers. dnsmasq in turn queries resolv.conf for it's dns servers and can serve clients on the LAN their DNS/DHCP requests I want the machine...

Create a Apache SSL Certificate for Fedora 7

First remove the original test certs. Find their location as follows cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf | grep ^SSLCert SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key Get rid of the current cert / key rm -f...