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fixme:ntdll: … Can’t find matching timezone

I have Ubuntu 9.04 installed on a laptop. I installed 9.04 by doing a distribution upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04 and finally to 9.04. I tried to run wine recently and came up against this error: fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone This error seems to...

Ubuntu Annoyances

Update: This has been fixed in Ubuntu 9.04. Excellent! tsclient is a Microsoft Remote Desktop work-a-like for Linux only better (it supports VNC, RDP, XDMCP & ICA) The bug: On Ubuntu versions greater than 8.04 it has a _really_ annoying bug. I call it the "tsclient...

Zenwalk 5.2

Just looking at Zenwalk. If it wasn't for my requirement to run VMWare Server without the hassle to compile non-vm patches to get it working. I would probably use Zenwalk as my primary desktop system. Nice things: XFCE: lighter than Gnome but just as pretty. Zenpanel:...

Subversion Working Copy Downgrade

If you jump from one distribution to another and then back to an older version one of the gotcha's can be that later versions on newer distro's can change your Subversion Working Copy repository data so it's unaccessible from the older distro. Case in point: On Ubuntu...