Current Reading or “Let’s get down to business”

Hi Mum 🙂

These are the current titles I am ingesting.

The E-Myth Revisited – Michael Gerber
How to Grow Your Business by taking 3 Months Off – Louise Woodbury & William De Ora
How to Organize and Operate a Small Business in Australia – John English

As the economic landscape changes in Australia I feel it would be wise to be ready if, or when, a corporate restructure or downsize happens. One way that many who have been made redundant or suffered the loss of a job have continued is by starting their own businesses. Sometimes with great success. I kind of want to be ready so I’m trying to school myself. There is a lot involved, but hey, learning is fun.

Of particular interest to me is Systems and how they are applied in a business. Employees shouldn’t need to be rocket scientists… unless you make rockets. Systems help consistent quality standards to be achieved that can allow the business to service customers more effectively.

Also of note is all the open source applications that make the buy-in for running your own business very achievable. The downside is you need to know more about accounting etc so you can configure them to run correctly for Australian conditions.

I’m currently looking at LedgerSMB which has a very good invoice generating subsystem based on Latex. I had a look at GNUCash but the invoicing is still tied to GtkHTML and some very esoteric scheme programming which my mind can’t unravel enough to make it format reports correctly.

Anyway I have reading to do…


  1. james

    I like the “Hi Mum”.
    9.45pm Thursday.
    Please delete this after you read.

  2. james

    No way mum! I cherish your comments. And seeing you are my only loyal reader I’m keeping it.


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