Written by James McDonald

July 24, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04

sudo apt-get  build-dep gnucash
sudo apt-get install libwebkit-dev
sudo apt-get install libdbi0-dev
sudo apt-get install intltool

sudo apt-get install libdbd-pgsql
sudo apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3
sudo apt-get install libdbd-mysql

wget http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/unstable/2.3.x/gnucash-2.3.3.tar.bz2

tar -jxvf gnucash-2.3.3.tar.bz2

cd gnucash-2.3.3
./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash --enable-dbi --enable-webkit

# Once configure is finished run
make install

# run gnucash from a command prompt

If you don’t install the libdbd-* stuff you don’t get an option to save in a different format:



  1. Dick

    Followed your instructions above, then did make and make install as su….
    What else do I have to do…. as I still can not find gnucash to execute, it is not in /bin or /usr/bin. Thanks.

    • james

      Sorry wasn’t concise enough.

      once you run configure you need to do make and then make install see above.

      To launch gnucash you then run

  2. Dick

    James, thank you for your response. I had done the make and make install. Just had not found the executable yet.

    On the opening screen rather then setting up new account I checked the tutorial option. Message said docs were probably not installed. What say you as I see docs in the file structure. I guess your install does not really make a pkg and then install the pkg. I guess there is also a utility for installing GnuCash into the menu structure under Applications …

    Sorry to bother you will the relatively simple installation questions, but this is my first entry into the Ubuntu Linux world….I have been a Freebsd type for years and we do things somewhat differently and we certainly have a different file system structure. We figure this all out in time.

    I would like to comment you on a excellent website….Is is now book marked and I will be watching your comments and instructions. Are you staying at this domain? I was some what confused that you may have been switching to another domain.

    Thanks again for your good works!

    • james

      You need to download and install http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/stable/gnucash-docs-2.2.0.tar.gz

      You could also just install the standard packaged gnucash documentation ‘sudo apt-get install gnucash-docs’

      Sadly I don’t have the time ATM to do this and post the steps.

      Yes I’m staying at this domain. jamesmcdonald.id.au was down due to a problem with Dreamhost’s services. I was Trialling a Virtual Private Server with them. When I requested an end to the trial their automated process assumed that all my domains existed inside the VPS and moved the VPS on top of my shared hosting accounts wiping out this site. A two day outage! You may have seen another site I attempted to divert to during that time.


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